100NO 583: How to live the Blue Zones lifestyle at home

Episode Summary

We got a lot of questions and feedback from our recent workshop, Blue Zones, Diets & Biohacks. One question in particular focused on how likely it is or isn’t to live like people in the Blue Zones. 

On this episode we answer this question and many more, including Blue Zones and their diets, the role of genes in longevity and much more. 


Wondering what workshop we are talking about? You can listen to our live recording of Blue Zones, Diets & Biohacks on episode 582 here. Alternatively, you can watch the recording of our workshop here.  

Here at 100 Not Out we love feedback! If the workshop raised some feedback or questions of your own, please send us a message via our Facebook page, Instragam or via 100notout.com 



It’s not too late to join us on our upcoming Longevity Experiences. We are in Ikaria August 22-31 and Sardinia September 1-10. To find out more, simply head to 100notout.com

Follow us: https://beacons.ai/100notout

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Want to know what is the secret is to aging well? To live with quantity AND quality of life? To live independently, with vitality, vigour, energy, enthusiasm and complete love for your life? Well, there are hundreds of “secrets”, you can have both quantity and quality, and on 100 Not Out Dr Damian Kristof and wellness coach Marcus Pearce interview the people that are living their lives with all of the above.

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