100NO 381: Lockdown musings – the best and worst of humanity

Episode Summary

With metropolitan Melbourne going back in to lockdown, Damian shares what it’s like to be in the thick of it.

We discuss the untold statistics of mental health challenges, especially suicide, and the greater impact of COVID19 beyond the condition itself.

We talk about cancer, diabetes and obesity paying a far bigger price on mortality than COVID19, and ponder the selective choices of the media to once again choose the ‘bad’ news over the ‘good’ news.

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About 100 Not Out

Want to know what is the secret is to aging well? To live with quantity AND quality of life? To live independently, with vitality, vigour, energy, enthusiasm and complete love for your life? Well, there are hundreds of “secrets”, you can have both quantity and quality, and on 100 Not Out Dr Damian Kristof and wellness coach Marcus Pearce interview the people that are living their lives with all of the above.

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