100NO 354: Heartbreak, War Stories & Longevity with 99yo Bruce Robertson

Episode Summary

Bruce Robertson’s dad died when he was three years of age. His Mum died whilst he was in Papua New Guinea, serving for Australia during World War 2. He’s had dengue fever, appendicitis, lived through the Depression years and experienced the ravages of war. Not just that, Bruce has played more than his part in preserving the freedom and civil liberties that we enjoy in Australia today.

His story has been featured by the Australian Air Force and serves as a reminder to all of us how lucky we really are. You can watch Video 1 here and Video 2 here.

At 2AM on the 1st of June 1942 Australian Air Force wireless operator Bruce Robertson picked up a Japanese morse code signal as Sydney Harbour was under attack by submarines.

If it wasn’t for Bruce’s quick thinking, the Australia we have come to know and love may not be what it is today.

At 99 years young and soon to celebrate his 100th Birthday, Bruce Robertson today lives a contented, independent and active life in Sydney’s Castle Hill region.

He played cricket into his 70s, still sings in the local choir, has plenty of friends and an incredible family. If it wasn’t for 100 Not Out listener Angela Fenton – who is Bruce’s granddaughter – it’s highly unlikely we’d be chatting to Bruce today – so thank you Angela.

To hear his incredible story we are thrilled to have Bruce Robertson join us today.

*** 2020 Mediterranean Longevity Experience to Sardinia & Ikaria – Applications Open ***

This year in August we make our first trip to the Italian Blue Zone of Sardinia and return to Ikaria for the fourth time. For all the details go to www.100notout.com

Just some of what to expect in Ikaria –

The activities attendees love

** Therma Hot Springs (arguably the oldest and most powerful hot springs in the world and written about by Hippocrates)

** Traditional Greek Essential Oil Workshop (we harvest our own wild rosemary or equally abundant herb, add it to the distiller, drink tea whilst it distills and come home with our own oil)

** Panigiri – This year we’ll be attending the local panigiri (festival) in Nas – right on the doorstep of where we are based. 

** Afianes Winery – Greek wine is renowned for its health properties. Afianes is arguably the oldest winery on the island and is even referred to by Homer in his writings.

** Mindblowing Hikes – Words don’t do justice to the natural beauty we encounter on our inspiring walks together.

** Ikarian Honey & Food Workshops – The foodies will love learning about some of the staples of the Ikarian diet.

** Harvest lunch on an Ikaria farm – Join us as we visit Ilias & Thea’s (our hosts) farm, harvesting the seasonal vegetables before walking home and cooking up a storm.

** Much more, including beach time, life-changing meals and conversations, rest-time to just soak it all in and some surprises we’d prefer to keep until you get there.

The post 100NO 354: Heartbreak, War Stories & Longevity with 99yo Bruce Robertson appeared first on The Wellness Couch.

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