100NO 378: Busy is back and it’s a humble brag

Recent Episodes

100NO 586: Do You Want to Live Forever?

100NO 586: Do You Want to Live Forever?

The new Channel Nine series – Do You Want to Live Forever? – has given us much to talk about…and that’s just after the first episode! In exploring the quest for a longer life, Tracy Grimshaw and Dr Nick Coatsworth follow 8 Australians as they seek to understand if...

100NO 585: Michael Mosley, Rest in Peace

100NO 585: Michael Mosley, Rest in Peace

In today’s episode we pay tribute to Michael Mosley who recently passed away at age 67. Michael was best known for popularising Intermittent Fasting with the 5:2 diet. Often using himself as the n=1 experiment, his research and published work was able to take...

100NO 584: The Art of Longevity with Rod Perez

100NO 584: The Art of Longevity with Rod Perez

Well known in the surfing industry, today’s guest, Rod Perez, grew up in Brazil and now lives on the Gold Coast supporting professional athletes and everyday people to become their happiest, healthiest selves. Join us as we chat with Rod about his recently released...

About 100 Not Out

Want to know what is the secret is to aging well? To live with quantity AND quality of life? To live independently, with vitality, vigour, energy, enthusiasm and complete love for your life? Well, there are hundreds of “secrets”, you can have both quantity and quality, and on 100 Not Out Dr Damian Kristof and wellness coach Marcus Pearce interview the people that are living their lives with all of the above.

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